Social protocol – Mar Castro
She talks about the social protocol and its importance for companies, how CEOs should communicate with their employees and the importance and value of good use of social networks. In that same line she also explains what the concept of NETiqueta consists of and recommends readings to learn more about these topics.
How did you begin to be interested in communication?
I feel communicator since I remmeber. I have always participated actively in events of all kinds, acting as presenter, moderator or facilitator in many of them.
“We are what we communicate” and “you are the message” are maxims in which I firmly believe.
What do we understand by protocol? How does it relate to communication?
The protocol is a strategic communication tool at the service of companies, institutions and all types of entities, expression of their identity and values. It favors competitiveness, fosters corporate and institutional relations and increases business prestige. The protocol provides added value, order people, spaces, times, symbols, and so on.
Do you really think we all have the capacity to speak as a leader? Can it be learned or is it something innate?
All people have the ability to become good speakers, the speaker is born and made. There are three steps on the way to becoming a good speaker: to want to speak in public -heartily, without external impositions-, to train in the necessary techniques and skills -books, courses, articles, videos, etc.- and to practice -in all possible occasions, before different audiences and on varied topics. There are no short cuts.
How can a company benefit from using techniques associated with the social protocol?
The social protocol affects human relationships, personal contacts that we maintain in social and professional contexts. Applying the recommended advice promotes work well-being, increases the effectiveness of employees and facilitates the generation of a space for creative coexistence.
Among other suggestions, stands out and present to others, respect their own privacy and privacy, keep private conversations private, ask instead of demanding, control the volume of speech and noise levels that are issued, interrupting colleagues only when necessary, and so on.
How does it affect the way we behave towards our brand image?
Your behavior reflects your values, your ideas and thoughts. We are what we communicate, we portray ourselves with our behavior. Each situation requires concrete behavior, applied with tolerance and compromise, appropriate to each circumstance, people and situation.
What book do you recommend us?
Allow me to recommend my publications: “Protocolo Social” and “Técnicas para hablar en público”, published by Ediciones Protocolo and “NETiqueta. Comunicación en Entornos Digitales “, published by Nova Galicia Edicións and the only one in Spanish language about this discipline.
“The social protocol affects human relationships, the personal contacts we maintain in social and professional contexts, applying the advice it recommends promotes work well-being, increases the effectiveness of employees and facilitates the creation of a space for creative coexistence”.
What guidelines would you give us so that the image of our company benefits as much as possible? And on a personal level?
Companies are formed by people and the social protocol favors personal relationships facilitating coexistence, fostering understanding and sealing trust. The application of its recommendations helps to behave naturally in any environment, provides security in the way of acting and helps to fulfill the role that must be exercised at all times.
On a personal level, they help you stand out for your discretion, tolerance and solidarity and print an added value to the personal and professional biography.
What do we understand by NETiqueta?
The NETiqueta is the protocol we practice in digital communication. Specifically, it is applied in social networks, emails, instant messaging, forums, chats and blogs. It offers patterns of behavior and coexistence recommended in the Network. Action guidelines, unwritten and optional, developed in an organizational manner, proposed and accepted by the users of the Network.
What can we learn the marketing agencies of NETiqueta?
The NETiqueta facilitates the connection with the users to whom we are going. It shows the vision of brands, reflects their values and anticipates their mission.
The NETiqueta is a fundamental element in the management of the personal brand. It has a positive impact on the differentiation of the profiles, the management of the brand image and the digital reputation.
Who should not be on social networks?
I can not say that people should not be in social networks, who is qualified to affirm that? But I can defend that we should not be in all social networks. What is your motivation? Where is your target audience? What causes your presence on the Net? The answer to these and other questions will determine in which community of members to be, in which to interact and share knowledge, ideas and experiences.
What do you think a company works with two brands simultaneously?
I see it as complicated but feasible provided that the strategy and the tactics to be followed are clearly differentiated for each of them. They should not be the same-pursue different objectives-nor generate confusion. The viewer must clearly identify which brand is referenced: type of image, content, frequency of publication, tone, language, etc., characterize both.
You talk about the power of the gesture How can we transfer this aspect to social networks?
Non-verbal communication in written communication is manifested through emoticons, exclamations and capital letters held.
WhatsApp is the territory of emoticons, which does not justify its indiscriminate use. Its use in other networks or applications is punctual but necessary, it contributes the tone of the communication.
The exclamations have an emphatic power, like the repetition of letters at the end of the word or to write in capital letters. In the latter case, one must be prudent since it can be interpreted with a shout, instead of a comment, in addition to making it difficult to read the text when presenting a flat visual horizon.
What is the biggest communication problem that CEOs have and how can they solve it?
CEOs have to be motivating, credible and natural. Know what happens in the company, commit to the needs of its staff and offer a dynamic and participatory communication in which empathy and assertiveness predominate.
They can promote the emotional well-being of their employees by organizing regular meetings and activities away from the work environment that facilitate relations between heads and colleagues, such as solidarity initiatives, social events, and so on.
Regarding internal communication, is it important to take care of how we communicate among employees?
Employees represent the company in all its actions, so it is essential to achieve identification with the brand, foster a sense of belonging and promote dialogue. The reputation and productivity of the brand will improve significantly.
In that same context, what advice would you give to the highest positions when communicating with your employees?
All employees are necessary for the company to work, achieve its objectives and increase its reputation. It would offer two tips to implement in all companies, regardless of the sector of activity and scope of action.
- Value your employees. Make the people who work for you feel important.
- Be accessible Maintain a fluid relationship with your employees.
Can you give us an example of an effective presentation and tell us why it is?
The presentation you offer depends on the environment, the context, the topic, the specific situation, the formality or informality of the event and the listeners you are addressing. We must ensure that it is brief, simple and provides the necessary information to remind you.
The name is the word we most like to hear so saying our name would be the number one premise to consider.
An example of a presentation that ignores all the conditions described above? I’m Mar Castro, from Lugo. Trainer and advisor in Emotional Oratory, Protocol and NETiqueta, my passions.