International Performance Specialist – Mai Molina

Mai Molina works as International Performance Specialist in Stradivarius. She is the person in charge of monitoring and optimizing all the international websites of the brand. In addition, she also performs other interesting tasks such as planning, analyzing and executing pay-per-click strategies; one of the keys in the retail sector to achieve a good positioning.

We deepened with Mai in all the actions carried out by an International Performance Specialist. We ask her, for example, how the age of the audience affects the strategy or the differences that an international web can have in each country.

We also take the opportunity to reflect on more technical aspects such as the requirements to ensure that an international domain is optimized, how to customize our PPC strategies by country or the best tools to carry out these actions.

Throughout your professional experience you have worked in travel and in retail, what do they have in common and how do marketing strategies differ for these two sectors?

Both travel and retail and other sectors one of the most important points to enhance is the recurrence of users.

The level of competitors in both sectors is very intense and the struggle for the first positions in certain terms is essential. Another thing they have in common is the investment weight that the brand can have.

Many times, other companies rely on keyword bid strategies from competitors that work for them, so you have to save part of the annual budget for brand protection campaigns as it is also one of the factors that affect recurrence.

Regarding the biggest differences, in my case, the fashion retail companies that I have worked with have been almost all manufacturers. So, when it comes to obtaining ROI, we must count on other expenses associated with the business that may affect the profitability of the campaigns, such as storage and logistics expenses, among others. So I also consider the profitability of each product to know if it’s worth it to bid for it.

In addition, it is important to know which upselling products are what make the average basket value higher.


Specifically, in retail you have worked for brands with a more young adult and adult audience and now you do it in Stradivarius, which has a more youthful profile. How does the age of the target audience affect the planning of marketing strategies?

Purchasing power in older age ranges is obviously higher, but as I said before, it is a matter of trying to palliate it with strategies to boost the recurrence that can make other younger ranges compensate.

Affectation also comes when it comes to communicating with your target audience. The tone of the ads, the images, the channels they use…

Today and although this is constantly changing, young people are still more connected to a wider range of channels, so according to the sector, there are different alternatives to enrich the way to attract traffic and therefore more sales to the web and so not depend on a single channel. Which is always interesting and less risky.


“Many times, other companies rely on keyword bid strategies from competitors that work for them, so you have to save part of the annual budget for brand protection campaigns as it is also one of the factors that affect recurrence”.
Mai Molina

On the other hand, you are in charge of monitoring and optimizing all the international websites of the brand. Are there many differences in how the brand works by country? Is this reflected on the websites? How?

Of course there is a big difference. It is important that each country has a responsible person in charge of monitoring and proposing actions based on the use of users on the web.

In some countries online shopping is more internalized, in others there is much physical store weight, in others there is a lot of returns with different logistical implications and in other sociological and political moments have an influence on devaluations of the currency that affect profitability.

All this is taken into account to design different strategies according to the needs of the country.


What essential requirements must the web of an international brand comply with in order to consider that it is optimized?

Apart from having the factors described in the previous question, take into account different attribution, multi-device and multi-channel models especially for strategies where the off world is still so important.

In this way all channels are fed back to have an optimized account based on a common goal of the company, not just the department or Google Ads channel, for example.


As International Performance Specialist, one of your tasks consists of planning, analyzing and executing pay-per-click strategies. What steps do we have to follow to implement an effective PPC strategy?

One of the things that we do not usually take into account is that brand influence and different communication strategies are essential to enhance the traffic that later converts by PPC is of the highest possible quality. If we do not work on creating a funnel in which the new user is strengthened towards the purchase the more you advance in it, we will only be working the luck that we may have in that the user likes our product and not in that of another competitor in that punctual moment.

But, if we teach how our brand can accompany you in this and the following needs you may have, we will not get a client, but a follower. And this type of users are those who by themselves will associate you when they want to buy again.

Therefore, we must bear in mind what role each channel plays within the customer journey over time.


What tools do you recommend in each step?

Above all, good measurement tools, a well-implemented google analytics, competitors monitoring tools, tracking and reporting scripts, daily updated reports with the most important metrics of the business to adjust budgets based on efficient short, medium and long term and the most important tool, curiosity. Read blogs, try different strategies, interact with other colleagues and professionals in the sector, attend events to promote networking, learn from mistakes…


Among many of your PPC actions, A / B testing has caught our attention. How do you recommend preparing a campaign using this technique to be effective?

I think that testing is one of the ways to prepare for the most effective optimization that there is and the most underutilized.

In my case, according to the size and repercussion in the accounts, I plan several tests a week, month, quarter and monitor their results in a spreadsheet.

You can test everything, but not at the same time and you have to take into account different factors of volume, time and impact.

My recommendation is to brainstorm from time to time, write down all the points that can be improved, and perform tests every week, leaving several days of testing to be able to analyze the results conveniently.  


Can you give us some advice to customize our PPC strategies by country?

Do not apply the same strategies to all countries. Select the most important 6-7 KPIs for the business (CTRs, CPAs, Conversions, Pesos between campaign types, recruitment vs. retention, ROAS, CPV, AOV …) and promote those with lower values in each country with different strategies.

This way we will not only have a positive ROI modifying bids, but we will touch all the points that the user goes through on the web to be able to optimize from a more global point of view, thus avoiding the individualistic point of view of the channel in which we are experts. After all, the online business must function as a team in which everyone is aligned to benefit from each other.